Group Insurance Policy through SSS for 2024-2025 : Last updated on 25 Apr 2024

just having fun :)
  1. The premeium is the same for all members
  2. It is a group policy.
  3. A Family consisits of Self,Spouse and two children below the age of 25
  4. Policy covers only hospitalisation and not OPD expenses unless the OPD expenses are cliamed , linked to hospitalisation
  5. Lat date for Purchase of Policy : 14 May 2024
  6. Policy period is from 15 Mar 2024 to 14 Mar 2025 , irrespective of when you join

The website is ready and is fully functional for joining, payment of membership fee and for payment of policy premium. We have done over 1400 payments for membership fee and about 1200 for policy premiums. For any information on website please contact only

health cover has started for Lot1 and lot 2,lot 3 ,lot 4 and lot 5. Lot no 6 is being processed. Welcome kit has been sent through email to members by Prudent brokers. For any information on website please contact only

Please contact Prudent brokers / Raksha TPA on any emergency . Note the important numbers on escalation matrix.

just having fun :)

The aim is to give a comprehensive idea of the Association and the process of admission to membership . Once membership is obtained, one is entitled to buy a policy being offered for all members of the Association. The information provided has to be confirmed by SSS. There is also a searchable database of networked hospitals. The effort will be to keep it updated once a month. The list would be as receieved from the TPA.

A very Important aspect. Please understand that membership is for an individual.Spouse does not need a separate membership.

The second part is the buying of health cover by a member. Spouse and children below 25 years are added at the time of purchase of family mediclaim policy.

How to Pay Membership Fee Important contact numbers

Policy 2024-2025 How to Buy Policy online

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Receipt Details

Imp Info

SerDateSubject Link How Important ? Remarks
1 2023-01-09 Bye Laws view Who reads all this ? let it pass :) Bye Laws 2022
2 2023-01-09 Policy terms and conditions 2023-2024 view Read once thorughly before buying a policy and before any hospitalisation Policy as received from the Broker
3 2024-01-17 Membership - Eligibility view Before Joining
4 2024-01-17 Important Dates view Important . Make a note . Do not depend on WhatsApp To be confirmed by SSS management.
5 2024-01-17 How to Join view Important for people who want to join SSS. Do not depend on WhatsApp
6 0000-00-00 How to buy a policy view Very important. Get conversant with payment options . Do not depend on WhatsApp will be available once SSS completes the negotiation process
7 2024-01-17 Procedure for Claims / cashless treatment view Very important .Keep a copy in your medical file.
8 2024-01-17 Daycare Procedures view Very important .Keep a copy in your medical file.
9 2024-01-17 How to make a nomination view Important in case you go for reimbursement and not cashless treatment
10 2023-01-09 Escalation Matrix view Keep a copy in file or mobile phone. Note down all contact details contact numbers insurance brokers,, tpa and sss
11 2023-01-09 TPA Offices view TPA works best online. Raksha TPA office loc


Opening Page - categories
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New regn - Primary member
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New regn - Primary member
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Regn - Associate Member
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Rules and Processes

Existing Members
  1. Renewal of membership Fee for existing members started on 9 Feb 2024.
  2. After Paying annual membership fee of Rs 500 (plus gst )the member is eligible for buying a policy.
  3. Fresh negotiations takes place in Feb with Prudent Insurance Brokers for fixing premium for 2024-25.
  4. Keep watching this space for notifications on finalisation of premium amount.
  5. All policies are from 15 Mar 24 to 14 Mar 25.
  6. Please renew policy by 10 Mar 24 to enjoy continuity of cover.

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New members
  1. Registration will be open for Primary members , Associate members and Linked Associate members .
  2. After submitting the application, wait for approval of membership.
  3. On approval, the member will receive the login credentials through registered email
  4. Post approval , the member will be able to login and pay joining fee plus membership fee.
  5. After paying this fee, The applicant becomes a member.
  6. As a member, he/ she can buy a policy from end Feb onwards
  7. Please renew policy by 10 Mar 24 to enjoy cover of 12 months.

just having fun :)

Copyright murali